Grammar exercises

Elementary level (97 questions)Intermediate level (134 questions)Advanced level (90 questions)
Elementary level (49 questions)Intermediate level (44 questions)Advanced level (13 questions)
Elementary level (53 questions)Intermediate level (11 questions)
Elementary level (17 questions)Intermediate level (22 questions)
Intermediate level (17 questions)
Difference words
Elementary level (10 questions)
Future Continuous Tense
Intermediate level (12 questions)
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Advanced level (10 questions)
Future Perfect Tense
Advanced level (10 questions)
Intermediate level (19 questions)Advanced level (17 questions)
Have/ get something done
Intermediate level (12 questions)
Idioms/ Fixed expressions
Elementary level (127 questions)Intermediate level (211 questions)Advanced level (109 questions)
Indirect speech
Intermediate level (10 questions)
Mixed tense questions
Elementary level (10 questions)Intermediate level (72 questions)Advanced level (15 questions)
Modal verbs
Elementary level (24 questions)Intermediate level (30 questions)Advanced level (11 questions)
Elementary level (64 questions)Intermediate level (275 questions)Advanced level (97 questions)
Elementary level (12 questions)
Intermediate level (11 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Intermediate level (32 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Past Continuous Tense
Elementary level (10 questions)Intermediate level (13 questions)
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Intermediate level (12 questions)Advanced level (11 questions)
Past Perfect Tense
Intermediate level (19 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Past Simple Tense
Elementary level (42 questions)Intermediate level (13 questions)
Phrasal verbs
Elementary level (48 questions)Intermediate level (330 questions)Advanced level (38 questions)
Elementary level (64 questions)Intermediate level (78 questions)Advanced level (15 questions)
Present Continuous Tense
Elementary level (28 questions)Intermediate level (10 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Intermediate level (21 questions)
Present Perfect Tense
Elementary level (10 questions)Intermediate level (29 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Present Simple Tense
Elementary level (76 questions)Intermediate level (11 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Elementary level (74 questions)Intermediate level (22 questions)
Question tags
Elementary level (30 questions)
Simple Future Tense
Elementary level (19 questions)Intermediate level (12 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Elementary level (78 questions)Intermediate level (191 questions)Advanced level (124 questions)
Wh- questions
Elementary level (27 questions)
Words with similar pronunciation
Elementary level (10 questions)

Vocabulary tests

Elementary level (47 questions)
Elementary level (84 questions)
Elementary level (66 questions)
Flags of countries
Elementary level (160 questions)
Elementary level (44 questions)
Elementary level (48 questions)
Elementary level (69 questions)Intermediate level (3 questions)
Elementary level (44 questions)
Elementary level (80 questions)
Intermediate level (63 questions)
Elementary level (27 questions)
Question 1:
I think that you've chosen a very good area of work to seek employment in because I've heard that jobs are ....... there.

Question 2:
The telephone connection was very poor and we only heard a ....... account of what the reporter was describing.

Question 3:
I know you trust him but I have my doubts about him and must admit to being ....... of him.

Question 4:
There was no changing her mind as she was quite ....... about her decision and wouldn't consider any alternative.

Question 5:
It's very hard trying to get the tenses right in English. In fact it's the ....... devil to know whether it's simple or continuous.

Question 6:
I'm afraid I don't like this sherry because I find it too ....... and I prefer something nice and dry.

Question 7:
The theatre was ....... to display in the entrance some of the excellent newspaper reviews the play had received.

Question 8:
I'm afraid I shan't be ....... to come on Tuesday because of a prior engagement.

Question 9:
She suddenly stopped speaking to him on the phone and the conversation came to an ....... end.

Question 10:
He had to be ....... from all the other patients in the hospital because he had a highly contagious disease.