Grammar exercises

Elementary level (97 questions)Intermediate level (134 questions)Advanced level (90 questions)
Elementary level (49 questions)Intermediate level (44 questions)Advanced level (13 questions)
Elementary level (53 questions)Intermediate level (11 questions)
Elementary level (17 questions)Intermediate level (22 questions)
Intermediate level (17 questions)
Difference words
Elementary level (10 questions)
Future Continuous Tense
Intermediate level (12 questions)
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Advanced level (10 questions)
Future Perfect Tense
Advanced level (10 questions)
Intermediate level (19 questions)Advanced level (17 questions)
Have/ get something done
Intermediate level (12 questions)
Idioms/ Fixed expressions
Elementary level (127 questions)Intermediate level (211 questions)Advanced level (109 questions)
Indirect speech
Intermediate level (10 questions)
Mixed tense questions
Elementary level (10 questions)Intermediate level (72 questions)Advanced level (15 questions)
Modal verbs
Elementary level (24 questions)Intermediate level (30 questions)Advanced level (11 questions)
Elementary level (64 questions)Intermediate level (275 questions)Advanced level (97 questions)
Elementary level (12 questions)
Intermediate level (11 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Intermediate level (32 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Past Continuous Tense
Elementary level (10 questions)Intermediate level (13 questions)
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Intermediate level (12 questions)Advanced level (11 questions)
Past Perfect Tense
Intermediate level (19 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Past Simple Tense
Elementary level (42 questions)Intermediate level (13 questions)
Phrasal verbs
Elementary level (48 questions)Intermediate level (330 questions)Advanced level (38 questions)
Elementary level (64 questions)Intermediate level (78 questions)Advanced level (15 questions)
Present Continuous Tense
Elementary level (28 questions)Intermediate level (10 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Intermediate level (21 questions)
Present Perfect Tense
Elementary level (10 questions)Intermediate level (29 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Present Simple Tense
Elementary level (76 questions)Intermediate level (11 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Elementary level (74 questions)Intermediate level (22 questions)
Question tags
Elementary level (30 questions)
Simple Future Tense
Elementary level (19 questions)Intermediate level (12 questions)Advanced level (10 questions)
Elementary level (78 questions)Intermediate level (191 questions)Advanced level (124 questions)
Wh- questions
Elementary level (27 questions)
Words with similar pronunciation
Elementary level (10 questions)

Vocabulary tests

Elementary level (47 questions)
Elementary level (84 questions)
Elementary level (66 questions)
Flags of countries
Elementary level (160 questions)
Elementary level (44 questions)
Elementary level (48 questions)
Elementary level (69 questions)Intermediate level (3 questions)
Elementary level (44 questions)
Elementary level (80 questions)
Intermediate level (63 questions)
Elementary level (27 questions)
Question 1:
I have high ....... that we will succeed with our project in view of all the interest we have received.

Question 2:
He wanted his sons to pay as much ....... to the cultivation of the farm as he had done many years.

Question 3:
The reason for this is possibly that you thought it was a ....... but in fact it is a tragedy.

Question 4:
You certainly don't look your ........ What's your secret?

Question 5:
The next ....... was to draw some cold water, fill the kettle and make a cup of tea.

Question 6:
The other ....... in this anecdote is a young woman called Sally Fairweather.

Question 7:
A ....... represents written documentation of the vital issues necessary to convince investors that a particular opportunity is worthy of investment.

Question 8:
At first I got on famously finding the right pigeonholes, checking Ted's list and putting the letters in ........

Question 9:
The theme of the second film is quite simply a ....... of the first.

Question 10:
It is ....... for drivers to exercise proper control of their vehicle at all times whilst using the mobile phone.